Network Model
— Typestruct Network <: AbstractNetwork
v0::Union{Real, AbstractVecOrMat{<:Number}}
The Network
model is used to store all the inputs required to create power flow and optimal power flow models. Underlying the Network model is a MetaGraphsNext.MetaGraph
that stores the edge and node data in the network.
We leverage the AbstractNetwork
type to make an intuitive interface for the Network model. For example, edges(network)
returns an iterator of edge tuples with bus name values; (but if we used Graphs.edges(MetaGraph)
we would get an iterator of Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge with integer values).
A Network can be created directly, via a Dict
, or a filepath. The minimum inputs must have a vector of Conductor specifications and a Network
key containing at least the substation_bus
. See Input Formats for more details.
is empty be default. It is used in the results getters like opf_results
— Methodfunction Network(fp::String)
Construct a Network
from a yaml at the file path fp
— Methodfunction Network(d::Dict; directed::Union{Bool,Missing}=missing)
Construct a Network
from a dictionary that has at least keys for:
, a vector of dicts with Conductor specs:Network
, a dict with at least:substation_bus
If directed
is missing then the graph is directed only if the number of busses and edges imply a radial graph.
The edges of the Network model include all power transfer elements, i.e. the devices in the power system that move power from one place to another and therefore have two or more busses. Edges include:
Within the network model edges are indexed via two-tuples of bus names like so:
using CommonOPF
net = Network_IEEE13_SinglePhase()
net[("650", "632")]
busses: Tuple{String, String}
phases: Missing missing
name: String "mtx601"
template: Missing missing
r0: Missing missing
x0: Missing missing
r1: Float64 0.185966659863092
x1: Float64 0.596766656810831
c1: Missing missing
rmatrix: Missing missing
xmatrix: Missing missing
cmatrix: Missing missing
length: Float64 0.3787878787878788
amps_limit: Missing missing
The abstract node in the graph model is really an electrical bus. In single phase models a bus and a node are synonymous. However, in multi-phase models we can think of each bus have multiple nodes, or terminals, where each phase-wire connects. Busses are implicitly specified in the busses
of the edge specifications.
Nodes contain:
Within the network model busses are indexed via bus names like so:
using CommonOPF
net = Network_IEEE13_SinglePhase()
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
:Load => Load("675", [281], [154], missing, missing, missing, missing, missin…
Network Reduction
A few convenience methods are provided in CommonOPF
for reducing network complexity by removing intermediate busses and trimming branches that will not typically impact OPF results.
— Methodremove_bus!(j::String, net::Network{SinglePhase})
Remove bus j
in the line i->j->k from the model by making an equivalent line from busses i->k
— Methodreduce_tree!(net::Network{SinglePhase})
combine any line sets with intermediate busses that have indegree == outdegree == 1 and is not a load bus into a single line
See remove_bus!
for how the two lines are combined.
— Functiontrim_tree!(net::Network)
Trim any branches that have empty busses, i.e. remove the branches that have no loads or DER.
— Functiontrim_tree_once!(net::Network)
A support function for trim_tree!
, trim_tree_once!
removes all the empty leaf busses. When trimming the tree sometimes new leafs are created. So trim_tree!
loops over trim_tree_once!